Upgrade/Change Tern's Text Editor
under review
Convenient Kiwi
Need the ability for text to be pasted in without changing the the format to regular, such as if I am pasting things that are bolded, italicized, different font color, underlined. I would like them to paste over so I do not have to change them back every time I paste new info into a task or email that is formatted.
Brad Turner
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Keyboard shortcuts in text/email editors
Quasar blue Otter
Could we please have an editor that uses standard keyboard shortcuts? In addition using shortcuts for bold and italics, I would love to have them for foreign currencies.
I often use the symbols for GBP or Euro (and I imagine other agents use other currency symbols). At the moment, I have to copy and paste those symbols into Tern.
Brad Turner
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Lotus pink Mink
Edited to add: I found the hyperlink option. It is however difficult to access in the text editor “box”. Please dock text edit box at top of text boxes.
Please add the ability to link websites in Information sections of itinerary and anywhere else it may be needed.
Brad Turner
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Freeform text editing/Fix Tern Text Fileds
Moonstone blue Deer
We need a freeform text editor where we can copy/paste/delete freely - teh current solutions have us using the little ellipsis on teh left to move up/down/delete...then we have to confirm we are deleting.
Everything is line by line, block by block - it is 2024, we need a free form text field that allows us to type in paragaphs, free form text, without it being pasted in line by line and editing line by line via your tools.
Daffodil Dinosaur
Yes, I am working with a group trip and typed comments in one of the trips "Lodging Descriptions" that I would like to cut and paste the multiple lines to each of the other trips, but no simple way to do that, it wants me to cut and paste line by line. That is way too time consuming. The editor should not be so complicated. It was suggested to duplicate the trip, which makes no sense since the trips are already established and I am adding information as I go. Please fix this.
Automatic Scallop
Please do something. The current text editor is terrible difficult to use.
Fuzzy Bison
YES, YES, YES PLEASE! I would like better list formatting options. I don't like to use bullets a lot of the time. I prefer to use dashes. I wish we could create sub-points inside of the list as well. Also would love to have ordered(numbered) lists as well. Being able to switch back and forth for the different tiers of the list would be amazing! I like to use numbered lists and have their sub-points as bullets/dashes a lot.
I would also love to have indentation options in general.
Canny AI
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Make Ctrl/Cmd + B & other key commands work
Nutritious Bee
Right now, Command + B (on a Mac) brings up my bookmarks tab instead of bolding items in an itinerary. This keyboard shortcut works on other things like Google Docs, email, etc. Would love for it to work here to make itineraries faster!
Canny AI
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Note Formatting
Poised Warbler
Can you please make note formatting more in line with common document programs for example: google docs, word, pages. Not being able to select all, easily edit text from one line or group to another is cumbersome and time consuming. Formatting from simple google docs (Bold text: not bold text) does not paste in. Slowing down the process.
Canny AI
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Improve general text formatting and bullets
Teal blue Crayfish
The formatting in any text box is not easy to use. I like to generate outline style information with bullets and sub bullets. There is no ability to to have sub bullets and the bullets that are available are extremely difficult if not impossible to add to copy and pasted text.
Registered Coral
Please do this! Entering in copy is very clunky and time consuming right now, it makes itinerary building very painful.
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