Allow date changes when using AI to input itinerary info
under review
Complex Alpaca
When I pull an Itinerary from a vendor and use AI to pull the wont allow me to change the dates I want to itinerary to begin, It defaults to random dates and I have to manually change the date to each item. I have spent 3 hours changing dates for a 30 day guided tour itinerary ....please help!
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add specific date when copy and pasting information into AI
Complex Alpaca
I have been trying to copy and paste itinerary details into the AI box. However, there is no option for me to select which date I want it assigned to. It defaults to the first day and I have to manually change the date on each item. Very time-consuming.
Sepia Sailfish
Same! I have a cruise that exists, but isn't loaded for their date/ship. I had to recreate the entire thing from scratch, because it was so cumbersome to just shift the dates. Nightmare fuel.
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under review